Friday, January 13, 2012

New Year! New Weight!

So I am hoping to use this blog to help keep me honest and connected to my weight loss this year. Now that I am no longer nursing I have been able to go back on my supplements and medications and motivated to lose the baby weight! Anyone else want to jump on the wagon with me?
I have started monitoring my calories (low glycemic foods) and am consuming 1200 or less a day with at least 4 days of 30 minutes of exercise. I have already lost 5 pounds in a week (mostly water weight I'm sure) and am excited to keep going in the downward direction!
But I also want to be sure I have realistic goals. So I have set the goal to post at least weekly on my progress, good or bad. And to lose 35-40 pounds by June 30th. That breaks down to about 1.5lbs a week. Send me your empowering thoughts!