Friday, January 13, 2012

New Year! New Weight!

So I am hoping to use this blog to help keep me honest and connected to my weight loss this year. Now that I am no longer nursing I have been able to go back on my supplements and medications and motivated to lose the baby weight! Anyone else want to jump on the wagon with me?
I have started monitoring my calories (low glycemic foods) and am consuming 1200 or less a day with at least 4 days of 30 minutes of exercise. I have already lost 5 pounds in a week (mostly water weight I'm sure) and am excited to keep going in the downward direction!
But I also want to be sure I have realistic goals. So I have set the goal to post at least weekly on my progress, good or bad. And to lose 35-40 pounds by June 30th. That breaks down to about 1.5lbs a week. Send me your empowering thoughts!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I love resolutions. Julia actually started a Biggest Loser contest for our family. We're doing it for 4 months and tracking our weight weekly - it somehow super motivating to lose weight when you have to report your weight to your whole family. It's going to be really good for us. I think it's sad that our parents are the fittest members of our family and they have 30 some years on us! Anyway, the point is we're right there with you. Way to go on the first -5!
