Saturday, November 5, 2011


So I am very excited about this blog!! PCOS was something I had never heard of until my husband and I were struggling with infertility. After confirming the diagnosis with ultrasound and bloodwork I did some studying and found all kinds of information. I had several "AH HA" moments as I did my research. I could suddenly explain a few of my symptoms that I had just lived with - (weight gain, hair loss, facial hair, food cravings). I have always had regular periods and cycles so I never thought the symptoms could be connected.
Now that I knew what I was dealing with it made it easier to take action. I am a "go get it done" kind of person so I created a plan. I changed my eating habits and worked out more often. Yet it was frustrating that I still struggled to lose weight. I would lose some and then gain it back without me changing my weight loss routine. I tried Metformin three separate times for several months and it made me horribly sick. My doctors kept telling me there wasn't much else they could do. Soooo..... I knew that PCOS causes some insulin resistance in most women affected, which can greatly decrease the efficiency of your body's ability to burn calories since your insulin is always spiking but your body isn't utilizing it well. I did some more research, and found a great article on PCOS and using a supplement called d-chiro-inositol. It basically helps your body regulate your hormone excess (testosterone and insulin) and allows the normal process of burning sugar and not storing it to occur. Here is the article link.

I started using d-chiro-inositol in conjunction with diet and exercise. The first 4 months I was using it I lost 30 pounds!! I had more energy and didn't crave sweets and carbs nearly as bad, also my hair stopped falling out. I was ecstatic!! You can find d-chiro-inositol naturally in things like buckwheat, carob, legumes, and soy lecithin. I found recipes for hummus and buckwheat cereal/muffins online that I tried but I liked chiral balance supplements the best.
During this process I was also diagnosed with a pituitary tumor that was also messing with my hormones. But after losing 30 pounds and taking a presciption medication to treat the tumor we got pregnant!! Our beautiful daughter is now 6 months old, and I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for trusting us as parents, and allowing us to care for such a sweet baby!
Now I am struggling to lose the baby weight and find a good exercise routine that fits into my work and Mom schedule. I look forward to learning more from others with PCOS. I believe that trials only make us stronger and we are supposed to WORK through the trial. I consider PCOS one of my trials, it allows me to work harder than most to lose weight. It motivates me to find the path that will lead me to healthier body, and not be discouraged by the process. I don't use PCOS as an excuse to give up or rationalize away the weight. It just takes work and determination. Some days are better than others, but it sure helps to talk to others who are struggling with the process. Let's get busy together!!


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